
katsapi bossible


Ms Katsapi Angeliki is the Director of Temos Hellas, the representative office of Temos International in Greece - Cyprus and the Managing Director of Swiss Approval Technische Bewertung S.A. (Certification and Technical Inspections’ Body- member of Swiss Approval Group). She is an Internationally active certified auditor for quality, safety management, antibribery systems in healthcare and medical tourism services. She is an International Assessor of Temos International and an ex Chair of the Temos Assessors’ Advisory Board.

Ms Katsapi Angeliki is the Director of Temos Hellas, the representative office of Temos International in Greece - Cyprus and the Managing Director of Swiss Approval Technische Bewertung S.A. (Certification and Technical Inspections’ Body- member of Swiss Approval Group). She is an Internationally active certified auditor for quality, safety management, antibribery systems in healthcare and medical tourism services. She is an International Assessor of Temos International and an ex Chair of the Temos Assessors’ Advisory Board.Ms Katsapi holds an MSc in Health Informatics and Healthcare Management, she is an IRCA certified Lead Auditor, Lead Tutor for ISO 9001:2015 and trained as ACFE Fraud Examiner.

She is an expert in Quality Assurance in Medical Tourism and Quality Management Systems, she is a member of the Administration Board of the Greek Medical Tourism Council, having 6 years of experience as a leading assessor, trainer and/ or consultant in various countries as Turkey, Brazil, China, Hungary, Ukraine, Iran, Germany, Cyprus, Albania and Greece. She has been working in pilot projects focusing at Healthcare - related quality issues such as the accreditation program of UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation System) for the European Directive EN 15224 regarding Quality Assurance Management in Healthcare services.

In the past, she has been holding executive positions in the Greek Healthcare sector, such as:
- the position of Business Planning and Development Director of Health Units S.A. (a State Owned Enterprise), Total Quality Director of the Olympic Village Polyclinic in the period 2005-2012
- several senior management positions as a Member of various ‘E- health’ projects’ Workgroups and Review Committees on behalf of the Healthcare Ministry and Information Society S.A. for EU funded projects.
- employed by the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity during the period 2002-2005.



GRBossible 2017

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